Whatever It Is

“Well done good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.” (Matthew 25:23, NIV 1984)

My Musings – Sometimes we want to move on to the “many things,” the great things. But we must be careful to not neglect the “few things,” the small things. God is not so much interested in the size or quantity of the things we do for Him, as He is for the faithfulness in which we do them.

My Advice – Be faithful to whatever it is He calls you to.

Author: thebrewisamusing

I was raised in a Christian family and my earliest childhood memories include regular Sunday school and Church attendance as a family. I was taught that our Judeo-Christian values were not just a part of our Sunday routine they should be part of our character and influence all aspects of our lives. I was also taught that as important as these values were they could not save us. We must also be “born again” by accepting Christ.

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